The article will discuss crude blending to facilitate consistent crude quality to the crude distillation units in the downstream refining industry. The supply and quality of crude from a single source is becoming scarce in today’s market, and crude blending…
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The article will discuss the butane blending to realize the tangible benefits from minimizing the RVP giveaways for winter-grade gasoline by meeting the higher specs than summer grade. This can be achieved by blending butane with gasoline economically and efficiently.…
The article will discuss the concept and definition of continuous education, options available to professionals, economic analysis of each option, and present a business case for the eLearning platform. We will illustrate a typical eLearning curriculum specifically for the downstream…
Part One of this paper (HE, March 2018, pp 101-108) discussed a methodology developed by the authors of this article series to benchmark a refinery’s fuel blending system. This methodology produces two indices, automation effectiveness, and operational efficiency, to assess…
A typical refinery produces about 75-80% of its crude throughput and produces its fuel products (gasoline, diesel, LPG, fuel oil) by blending 10-12 refinery products, which varies in both quality and monetary value. These fuel products have very strict specifications…
This paper discusses the design of a fuel blending header for an in-line blending system. Designing the header for a fully developed and well-mixed flow from components tanks to the header and then from the header to the final product…
This paper discusses the scope and feasibility of an integrated Crude Blending control, optimization and scheduling system to control the qualities of crude feed and end products and automate oil movement and storage operations. Crude blending is different from product…
Here are the generic functions of all essential modules for an integrated system #BlendingControlSystem #Refinery-WideManagementSystem #MinimizingQualityGiveaways #OfflineOptimizationSystems #OnlineOptimizationSystems #GasolineOctane #BlendingOperationsModes #RefineryManUalBlending #AdvancedBlendControl #BlendingControlAutomationLevels #RegulatoryBlendControl #TanksInventoryInformationSystem #OnlineRecipeOptimizer
A typical refinery or any processing plant has two main functions, namely, on-site and offsite operations. The on-site operations focus on the physical separation and chemical reductions of feed-stock into intermediate and final products by processing units. The off site…
The off-site operations in a typical refinery involve the movement and storage of raw materials, intermediate and finished products from tanks to processing units and vice versa. This operation is often termed as Oil Movement and Storage (OM&S). Any control…
This paper presents the configurations and architecture of ABB’s state-of-the-art Integrated Blend control, optimization and planning system implemented at two PEMEX refineries in Cadereyta and Tula in Mexico. The blending control system implemented at PEMEX refineries is very sophisticated both…
A typical refinery or chemical processing plant has many activities which can be categorized into a number of areas such as feed and products preparations, material movement, stabilization and optimization of unit operations and information management. All refinery activities are…
Refiners must recognize the required organizational changes and use an efficient and cost-effective system design when upgrading an existing blending system to an advanced one. Part 1 of this series (OGJ, Feb. 14, 2005, p. 50) discussed the organizational changes…
A capability assessment of a North American refinery’s gasoline blending system helped the company determine if it was a good candidate for upgrading to an advanced control system. This article, the first part of two, discusses the methodology used to…
In any liquid-based manufacturing unit, such as a refinery or chemical facility, tanks are used to store feed stocks, intermediate and final products. It is important to know tank contents, in terms of both quantity and quality, allowing business and…
This paper discusses all aspects of an online Tanks Quality Tracking System (gomsTQTS™) which has been conceptualized, developed, and tested by Offsite Management System (OMS) and commissioned in the Singapore Refining Company (SRC),which is jointly owned by Chevron-Texaco and Singapore…