Blending Quality Models Equations-Ver 1.0
Fuel blending in a downstream refinery is a complex process that requires optimizing the recipe of 10 to 12 components. The recipe calculations traditionally use the first principles of complex non-linear and interactive blend models. Professionals working in blending areas as control, system, or IT engineers need a handy reference of all blend models for all fuel qualities.
Some blending also uses AI and other techniques but must resort to the blend models in some form.
This 60+-page manual provides details and equations for the quality models of 80+ fuels (gasoline, diesel, and fuel oil).
These models have default parameters and must be customized using the historical blend data for specific refineries. However, selecting a model for a fuel quality specific to a refinery requires careful consideration by an expert professional.
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Academy Webinar Series Manual-Part A
We conduct free monthly online webinars on topics of downstream operational strategies and current technology to help refineries learn to be profitable. You can use these free learning resources in one of the following ways.
- Registering and attending live webinars and interacting with the speakers and other users to make the best of the information (Most Recommended)
- Viewing the recording free on the academy website with audio and video
- View the same recording free on the Academy YouTube channel
- View the eBook free of slides of all six webinars in the set for leisure learning
- Buy and Download a PDF version of all webinar slides
This eBook is the second set of six webinars focusing on strategic advanced fuel blending and technologies, selection of process analyzers, model-based tank qualities, and oil movement systems.
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Academy Webinar Series Manual-Part B
We conduct free monthly online webinars on topics of downstream operational strategies and current technology to help refineries learn to be profitable. You can use these free learning resources in one of the following ways.
- Registering and attending live webinars and interacting with the speakers and other users to make the best of the information (Most Recommended)
- Viewing the recording free on the academy website with audio and video
- View the same recording free on the Academy YouTube channel
- View the eBook free of slides of all six webinars in the set for leisure learning
- Buy and Download a PDF version of all webinar slides
This eBook is the second set of six webinars focusing on strategic advanced fuel blending and technologies, selection of process analyzers, model-based tank qualities, and oil movement systems.
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Free Course Manual on MCOR Strategy for downstream Refinery
This free course consists of four topics related to each aspect of the MCOR strategy for refinery offsite operations.
- OEA401T- Management of the Infrastructure
- OEA402T-Control of the manufacturing
- OEA403T-Optimization of the production
- OEA404T-Reconciliation of the hydrocarbon
This free course can be taken in one of the following ways:
- Enroll in the course to eLearn with audio-video-subtitled on any device, anytime and anywhere, and get a completion certificate (Most Recommended). Click here to enroll.
- View the eBook free of all topic slides in the set for leisure learning.
- Buy and Download a PDF version of all topic slides.
This free course is your first introduction to the operations of a downstream refinery.
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Refresher Course Manual on MCOR Strategy for downstream Refinery
This refresher course consists of 12 topics related to each aspect of the MCOR strategy for refinery offsite operations. Each category consists of 3 topics to create a refresher course giving more details for each strategy.
- Management of the Infrastructure
- Control of the manufacturing
- Optimization of the production
- Reconciliation of the hydrocarbon
This refresher course can be taken in one of the following ways:
- Enroll in the course to eLearn with audio-video-subtitled on any device, anytime and anywhere, and get a completion certificate (Most Recommended). Click here to enroll.
- View the eBook free of all topic slides in the set for leisure learning.
- Buy and Download a PDF version of all topic slides.
This refresher course is your subsequent detailed introduction to downstream refinery operations after the free course OMSMN-MN03.
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MCOR-01 Management of Refinery Infrastructure Course Manual
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MCOR-02 Control of Refinery Manufacturing Course Manual
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MCOR-03 Optimization Refinery Production Course Manual
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MCOR-04 Management of Refinery Hydrocarbon Course Manual
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Advanced Blend Control and Optimization Course Manual
This specialized course consists of fifteen topics focusing on blend control and optimization. These topics and their categories are as follows.
- Module-1 Introduction to Blend Optimization
- OEA87T- The Roadmap to MCOR of Refinery Offsite Operations-
- OEA16T- Blending Problems and Challenges
- OEA14T- Blending Problem Definition
- OEA10T- Blend Models
- Module-2 Blending Models and Parameters customization
- OEA11T- Blend Optimization
- OEA41T- Methods to Manage Blend Nonlinearity
- OEA86T- The Quality Giveaway Concept, Cost, and Reduction Benefits:
- OEA63T- Regression and Feedbacks of Blend Model Parameters.
- Module-3 Blend Optimizer and Results Analysis
- OEA83T- Tank Quality Analysis, Measurement, and Prediction
- OEA30T- How to Benchmark the State of a Refinery's Fuel Blending System.
- OEA46T- Offline Blend Planning and Optimization.
- OEA24T- Discussion of Blend Optimization Results-Marginal Value Analysis
- Module-4 Blending Project Management
- OEA88T- What Makes Blending a Complex Process
- OEA89T- Why Blending Projects Fail.
- OEA66T- Required Enterprise Changes to Implement Blending Projects